Wednesday 10 December 2014

The Avenue

The Avenue
Ariapita Avenue – sometimes just called “The Avenue” – is a microcosm of the bar and lounge experience in Trinidad. It is the hottest night spot which is located in the capital city of Port of Spain.

Trinidadians take their entertainment very, very seriously. As Trinidad’s cosmopolitan population has grown more affluent, nightlife and entertainment choices have grown to meet the growing demand, with a range of settings and activities to keep you entertained all night long. The multitude of bars, nightclubs and lounges, roadside watering holes, multi-level VIP clubs with dazzling lights and sizzling cocktails, Trinidadians are party animals.




Rickshaw rides are available for you to take a romantic tour of the avenue, where you can also make a selection of which pub you would like to visit. You can also ride along and locate your favorite  foods around the area, gyros, corn soup, doubles, wings and fries, burgers etc.


Yousef Gyros


LOCATION: Cumaca forest
At the Valencia Junction you take the left fork onto Valencia Road (as if heading to Toco). Approximately 2 kilometers along the Valencia Road you turn left (north) onto Cumaca Road, a narrow single lane road that is mainly paved with some gravel sections. The road is bumpy in parts but passable. After 4.5 kilometers along the Cumaca Road there is a wood & metal bridge and the trail begins on the left just before the bridge.
EL Turure Falls
Within the forests of Cumaca lies a series of three beautiful spread type waterfalls, where curtains of water cascade down limestone faces. These waterfalls are immediately after each other on the Turure River. At the base of each waterfall is a pool that invites you to take a swim. The third waterfall is one of a kind, as it is not the traditional type of waterfall, but a huge rock about 50 feet in width by 20 feet in height and water cascade along the rock. Towards the end of the dry season the flow of water over the cascades is greatly reduced, but there are still pools for swimming.
A Hikers Paradise

The hike to the waterfalls takes approximately 50 minutes, going through pristine tropical rain forest. As you move along the forest trail, the calls of the bell bird can be heard echoing among the trees. There are several river crossings and hiking in the water along this relatively easy hike and the few uphill portions are not difficult. Persons visiting these waterfalls should remain on the trail and not wander off, as this area has the poisonous mappipire balsain snake especially during the rainy season.

Monday 8 December 2014

Rio Seco Waterfall

LOCATION: North Eastern Range
Driving along the eastern coast heading Toco, our journey starts not far from the village of Salybia on the North East Coast, just pass the Salybia Bridge. A 1 hour walk through the attractive Mora forest carries us to a beautiful waterfall with its deep, striking emerald green pool. This waterfall is one or the finest for swimming, for a non-swimmer you will have to be very careful, for one step from the bank and you are in over 7 feet deep of water. The deepest point in the pool is approximately 30 feet deep. The Spanish name for Rio Seco is dry river bed and with such a continuous supply of water the name seems ironic.
For the more adventurous ones an attractive, moderately difficult trail leads us back to the Seco River, walking up this interesting river until we reach the Sulfur Spring. The stones here are white and the water has a distinctive sulfurous smell. A truly amazing sight.


Habio Waterfall

LOCATION: Northern Range

Habio Waterfall is another of the waterfalls along the Northern Range in the Rincon valley on the outskirts of Las Cuevas. This valley contains Rincon Waterfall, Winston Waterfall as well as Habio Waterfall. You get to the Rincon valley by going along the North Coast Road and turning onto Rincon Road shortly before Las Cuevas beach. Habio is one of the tallest waterfall in Trinidad and it is estimated at approximately 250 feet. 

Habio Waterfall

For Hiking

The 2.5 mile trail takes you through rich forest and involves an uphill hike followed by a long ridge walk and then a steep downhill. The hike is rated as strenuous and takes approximately 2 ½  hours. The best time to see the power of Habio is during the rainy season when the water flow is at its fullest. In the rainy season however the trail will be muddy, increasing the difficulty of the hike. Habio is a spray type waterfall with the water hitting the black stone backdrop and spraying out in droplets. The spray and the pounding of the water into the pool at the base makes the area feel breezy and cool.

Sunday 23 November 2014

The Look Out on Lady Young Road

The Lady Young Road is a major roadway in Trinidad linking the Eastern Main Road in Barataria to the Queen's Park Savannah in Port of Spain. It is also an important connector between the Churchill Roosevelt Highway  and uptown Port of Spain.
The Lady Young Road runs through Morvant and crosses the foothills of the Northern Range Named for the wife of Governor Winthrop Young, the road is well known for its picturesque views of Port of Spain and its harbour. The road is one of the three main links between Port-of Spain and Morvant, others being Old Morvant Hill Road and the Beetham Highway.

Overlooking Port of Spain from the Look Out

Another view from the Look Out

All kinds of local exotic dishes can be bought, like Corn Soup, Bar-B-Que, Chow, Souse, etc.

One of the Local Food Hut.

Souvenir and other trinkets are also sold for tourist visiting Trinidad.

Trinkets and Souvenir Booth

The road is known for its tight curves and hard gradients due to the hill's treacherous curves. Be advised to take caution when using this road, as these curves must be travelled cautiously. 

NAPA National Academy For Performing Arts--- North

National Academy for the Performing Arts – North
The National Academy for the Performing Arts (North) campus is located in the heart of the capital Port of Spain, is the home for the development of talent in performing arts, with major focus on our national instrument the steel pan.
The Design
The architectural design is a resemblance of the national flower of Trinidad and Tobago the Chaconia. It reaches a maximum height of 100 feet enhancing the state-of-the-art acoustics. It plays a pivotal role in the Governments plans to develop Trinidad and Tobago’s multifaceted plans to development.
It occupies 429,093 Sq. feet of land and features:

  1.  1500 seats performance hall.
  2.  Two practice halls.
  3.  Teaching rooms
  4.  State of the art lighting and sound features
  5.  Stages designed to showcase pannist and other performance artiste.  A hotel for visiting performers
  6.  Parking
  7.  Landscaped surroundings including seating areas, water features and greenery.
NAPA North

The Emperor Valley Zoo

The Emperor Valley Zoo
The Emperor Valley Zoo (EVZ) is situated in the capital of Trinidad. Port of Spain. The Zoo which is situated next to the Botanical Gardens exhibits a spread of over 7.2 acreages. Enclosures, pathways, fences and buildings have incorporated into the natural topography creating a wilderness atmosphere for visitors.
Souvenir shop at Emperor Valley Zoo
The Emperor Valley Zoo opened its gates to the public on the 8th November 1952 exhibiting a collection of local animals and some exotic species. Visitors can see birds, reptiles, fishes and mammals like lions, tigers, giraffe and an abundance of all species of monkeys.
Map of the Zoo in Trinidad

Thursday 6 November 2014

The Boardwalk Chaguaramas

The Boardwalk in Chaguaramas

The Boardwalk is Trinidad newest hot spot, situated at Williams Bay Chaguaramas. Just about 15 minutes from the capital Port of Spain. Chaguaramas is a popular bathing facility and it has now been enhanced by the construction of this 1300 feet of walkway along the beach. There are seats to sit and picnic areas, it also filled with vendors offering local cuisine. It is designed as a recreational area for the community, outdoor photo shoots, fashion runways can be held there. There is also free Wi-Fi service there.The western peninsula is the home for yachting boatyards, all inclusive fetes, fishing, kayaking and boat cruises.

Vendor Booths
The Beach Area
Along the Boardwalk looking East
Entering the Boardwalk

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Macqueripe Beach

Macqueripe Beach Facility

This is a major tourist attraction, located on the North West peninsula. This is one of the cleanest beaches in the north coast. It is just about a half hour drive from the capital Port of Spain. The beach has a very light surf seeing as it’s in a cove. It's beautiful and a pleasant walk down allows you to snap photos of the scenery. The beach itself has lifeguards and some colorful rocks. It doesn't have the rough surf or the crowds of Maracas beach and it also doesn't require you to drive over a mountain range to get there. There are a few small food vendors and a changing area.

Macqueripe Beach Area

Zip Lining Attraction
One of the main attractions in Macqueripe is the Zip Lining and canopy walk. This is a great way to observe the forest vegetation that surrounds the bay. There are 7 lines and 5 canopy walks all supervised by trained young people. The staffs are very stern and professional in their approach to customers' safety. Any questions or concerns you may have will be addressed. There are also plans to have a longer line over the bay itself. Currently its $120TT to zip-line and it takes about 1 hour (if there is a crowd).
The entire zip line course of seven lines, the highest being 100 feet, takes between forty-five minutes and one hour to complete and is an added attraction to the ever growing popularity of Trinidad’s western peninsula. Initial users of this latest attraction in Trinidad and Tobago describe it as exhilarating and too short as all zippers confessed to wanting more.
Coming in to one of the seven platforms


Zip Lining Platform

Ticketing Office for Zip Lining


Monday 20 October 2014

Paprika Night club Restaurant and Lounge

Paprika Restaurant and Lounge, located at 15 Rust Street St. Clair is famous for its premium drinks and international cuisine. They open for dinner, snacks and drinks specials. They boast of the widest assortment of drinks, wines, cocktails, margaritas and shots. The interior setting is something to behold and they claim to have the largest best designed outdoor setting catering for smokers. Their afterwork lime is absolutely smashing, come and experience it.
A walk pass during the day

After work Lime

RuStreet Dine. Dance. Drinks

RuStreet Restaurant and Lounge, one of the hottest night spots in Port of Spain. It is located on the corner of Rust and Gray Street St. Claire. They serve a combination of local and international cuisine, buffet lunches are offered daily from Tuesday to Saturday. They have a wide variety of drinks specials, cocktails, margaritas and shots. Their after work lime on a Friday is pack with patrons who just wants to unwind and dance to the music both local and foreign and have some drinks and ‘cutters’.

RuStreet Lounge

NAPA South Branch

National Academy of Performing Arts (NAPA), one is located in south (nicknamed SAPA) and one in north Trinidad. The south branch is situated at the bottom of Todd Street San Fernando, it was an initiative by the Government to promote and develop performing arts and local culture in Trinidad and Tobago. The facility comprises a performing college, ten classrooms, two theatres, one which seats 806 and the other 180, on 255,000 square feet of land. It’s a one of a kind design in the south land..

View from east

View from south

View from south east

Friday 17 October 2014

85 Foot Hanuman Murti

85 Foot Hanuman Murti

The 85 foot high Murti is located in Carapichaima in Central Trinidad, it can be seen towering in the sky when you pass in its vicinity. It is claimed to be the largest Murti outside of India representing the Hindu deity Hanuman. The Murti is in the compound of the Dattatreya Yoga Centre and Mandir. The Murti took two (2) years to build and was officially inaugurated in 2003. It is a must see if you visit or live in Trinidad. All persons are welcome to visit, Hindus and non Hindus.

Hanuman Murti

Dattatreya Yoga Centre and Mandir

Hanuman Murti

Maracas Beach

Maracas Beach

Maracas Bay is located in the north coast of Trinidad; it is about 45 minutes’ drive from the capital of Port of Spain. It is one of the most popular beaches in Trinidad and if you continue along the coast and there are other nice beaches such as Tyrico, Las Cuevas and Blanchisseuse.

Maracas beach is good for bathing, surfing, diving, camping and walking trails. There is also a hotel on the beach where you can spend the night or the weekend. Maracas is famous for its “Bake and Shark”, this is a batter fried shark in a fried bread (bake), served with assorted condiments like, garlic sauce, chadon beni sauce, hot pepper sauce, pineapple, lettuce, tomatoes and cucumber.

Famous Shark and Bake

The Beach

Beach chairs can be rented on site
The road to Maracas is narrow and winding with a very scenic view of mist covered mountains against the blue-green waters of the Caribbean Sea.

Monday 13 October 2014

Mayaro Beach

Mayaro beach is on the south east coast of Trinidad. It is a popular destination for families on a weekend getaway, especially on holiday or long weekends. The shore is lined with Beach or vacation houses which you can rent for the entire family, where you can prepare your own meals. If you really want a relaxing weekend there are also all inclusive resorts where you can stay. The place is very scenic, it’s ideal for bathing in the Atlantic Ocean, camping or just strolling along the beach. It is a very popular fishing location where you can witness the fishermen pulling in their nets with the evening catch. You can also purchase fresh fish on the beach.

Strolling along the beach

Fishermen tie off their boats after a days work

Waters of the Atlantic Ocean

Saturday 11 October 2014

The Pitch Lake

The Pitch Lake is located in La Brea which is in the south western part of Trinidad. The Pitch Lake is a wide expanse of naturally occurring asphalt. It is a major tourist attraction which has been nicked named “The eight wonder of the world.” It has fascinated the earlier explorers such as Sir Walter Raleigh who used the asphalt to caulk leaks on his boat in 1595. It is the world’s largest deposit of natural asphalt which is used to surface roads locally and is also exported. Visitors come to bathe or soak in its warm sulphur pools which are believed to be good for curing all types of skin ailment. Be sure to visit with one of the official tour guides, some areas are restricted.

Playing with the naturally occuring Asphalt

Thursday 9 October 2014

Toco Beach

Toco is the most north easterly village in Trinidad; it is the point where the Caribbean and Atlantic sea meets. It is the closest point to the sister Island Tobago. It contains nice beaches for camping and bathing. Additionally along the coastal regions are ideal for surfing.
Rocks Along the Coast

View From the Roadway

Paria Waterfalls North Coast

Paria Falls are the end point for the Paria river which comes down from the slopes of the Northern Range.It can be accessed from the Blanchisseus village. It is best to visit with the assistance of a tour guide as a hiking trip. At the bottom of the falls is a natural pool for swimming. It is one of the better falls in Trinidad.

Paria Falls

Kings Wharf San Fernando

This was the first port of entry to San Fernando where trading took place from as early as 1813. In the early days, ferries ran between Port of Spain and San Fernando transporting goods, very much like the present day passenger services of the “Water Taxis” which traverse the same route. Its terminal is located just south of the original Jetty. A section of the Wharf housed a fishing market and Abattoir in 1924, this fishing market still exists today.

Aerial View

View from East

Restaurant/Party Boat Tours (photos courtesy S.Chanderbally)

Clifton Hill Beach Facility

An initiative of Atlantic LNG was handed over to the Borough of Point Fortin as a basic beach facility in 2012. The facility now, although not completed has changing rooms, restaurants, bar, swimming pool, pavilion, stage, conference rooms and long shoreline. Soon the hotel section will be opened to become a full signature Hotel. The place looks beautiful, especially at nights.