Saturday 11 October 2014

The Pitch Lake

The Pitch Lake is located in La Brea which is in the south western part of Trinidad. The Pitch Lake is a wide expanse of naturally occurring asphalt. It is a major tourist attraction which has been nicked named “The eight wonder of the world.” It has fascinated the earlier explorers such as Sir Walter Raleigh who used the asphalt to caulk leaks on his boat in 1595. It is the world’s largest deposit of natural asphalt which is used to surface roads locally and is also exported. Visitors come to bathe or soak in its warm sulphur pools which are believed to be good for curing all types of skin ailment. Be sure to visit with one of the official tour guides, some areas are restricted.

Playing with the naturally occuring Asphalt


  1. Interesting......

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