Sunday 23 November 2014

The Look Out on Lady Young Road

The Lady Young Road is a major roadway in Trinidad linking the Eastern Main Road in Barataria to the Queen's Park Savannah in Port of Spain. It is also an important connector between the Churchill Roosevelt Highway  and uptown Port of Spain.
The Lady Young Road runs through Morvant and crosses the foothills of the Northern Range Named for the wife of Governor Winthrop Young, the road is well known for its picturesque views of Port of Spain and its harbour. The road is one of the three main links between Port-of Spain and Morvant, others being Old Morvant Hill Road and the Beetham Highway.

Overlooking Port of Spain from the Look Out

Another view from the Look Out

All kinds of local exotic dishes can be bought, like Corn Soup, Bar-B-Que, Chow, Souse, etc.

One of the Local Food Hut.

Souvenir and other trinkets are also sold for tourist visiting Trinidad.

Trinkets and Souvenir Booth

The road is known for its tight curves and hard gradients due to the hill's treacherous curves. Be advised to take caution when using this road, as these curves must be travelled cautiously. 


  1. I have always enjoyed the view from the Lady Young thanks for reminding me.

  2. Yes Val very relaxing place for the family.

  3. The look out brings back memories of my childhood day...those were some amazing times...

    1. Well make sure to visit soon Laura or stay tuned for additional pictures and info on this blog..
