Wednesday 10 December 2014

The Avenue

The Avenue
Ariapita Avenue – sometimes just called “The Avenue” – is a microcosm of the bar and lounge experience in Trinidad. It is the hottest night spot which is located in the capital city of Port of Spain.

Trinidadians take their entertainment very, very seriously. As Trinidad’s cosmopolitan population has grown more affluent, nightlife and entertainment choices have grown to meet the growing demand, with a range of settings and activities to keep you entertained all night long. The multitude of bars, nightclubs and lounges, roadside watering holes, multi-level VIP clubs with dazzling lights and sizzling cocktails, Trinidadians are party animals.




Rickshaw rides are available for you to take a romantic tour of the avenue, where you can also make a selection of which pub you would like to visit. You can also ride along and locate your favorite  foods around the area, gyros, corn soup, doubles, wings and fries, burgers etc.


Yousef Gyros


LOCATION: Cumaca forest
At the Valencia Junction you take the left fork onto Valencia Road (as if heading to Toco). Approximately 2 kilometers along the Valencia Road you turn left (north) onto Cumaca Road, a narrow single lane road that is mainly paved with some gravel sections. The road is bumpy in parts but passable. After 4.5 kilometers along the Cumaca Road there is a wood & metal bridge and the trail begins on the left just before the bridge.
EL Turure Falls
Within the forests of Cumaca lies a series of three beautiful spread type waterfalls, where curtains of water cascade down limestone faces. These waterfalls are immediately after each other on the Turure River. At the base of each waterfall is a pool that invites you to take a swim. The third waterfall is one of a kind, as it is not the traditional type of waterfall, but a huge rock about 50 feet in width by 20 feet in height and water cascade along the rock. Towards the end of the dry season the flow of water over the cascades is greatly reduced, but there are still pools for swimming.
A Hikers Paradise

The hike to the waterfalls takes approximately 50 minutes, going through pristine tropical rain forest. As you move along the forest trail, the calls of the bell bird can be heard echoing among the trees. There are several river crossings and hiking in the water along this relatively easy hike and the few uphill portions are not difficult. Persons visiting these waterfalls should remain on the trail and not wander off, as this area has the poisonous mappipire balsain snake especially during the rainy season.

Monday 8 December 2014

Rio Seco Waterfall

LOCATION: North Eastern Range
Driving along the eastern coast heading Toco, our journey starts not far from the village of Salybia on the North East Coast, just pass the Salybia Bridge. A 1 hour walk through the attractive Mora forest carries us to a beautiful waterfall with its deep, striking emerald green pool. This waterfall is one or the finest for swimming, for a non-swimmer you will have to be very careful, for one step from the bank and you are in over 7 feet deep of water. The deepest point in the pool is approximately 30 feet deep. The Spanish name for Rio Seco is dry river bed and with such a continuous supply of water the name seems ironic.
For the more adventurous ones an attractive, moderately difficult trail leads us back to the Seco River, walking up this interesting river until we reach the Sulfur Spring. The stones here are white and the water has a distinctive sulfurous smell. A truly amazing sight.


Habio Waterfall

LOCATION: Northern Range

Habio Waterfall is another of the waterfalls along the Northern Range in the Rincon valley on the outskirts of Las Cuevas. This valley contains Rincon Waterfall, Winston Waterfall as well as Habio Waterfall. You get to the Rincon valley by going along the North Coast Road and turning onto Rincon Road shortly before Las Cuevas beach. Habio is one of the tallest waterfall in Trinidad and it is estimated at approximately 250 feet. 

Habio Waterfall

For Hiking

The 2.5 mile trail takes you through rich forest and involves an uphill hike followed by a long ridge walk and then a steep downhill. The hike is rated as strenuous and takes approximately 2 ½  hours. The best time to see the power of Habio is during the rainy season when the water flow is at its fullest. In the rainy season however the trail will be muddy, increasing the difficulty of the hike. Habio is a spray type waterfall with the water hitting the black stone backdrop and spraying out in droplets. The spray and the pounding of the water into the pool at the base makes the area feel breezy and cool.

Sunday 23 November 2014

The Look Out on Lady Young Road

The Lady Young Road is a major roadway in Trinidad linking the Eastern Main Road in Barataria to the Queen's Park Savannah in Port of Spain. It is also an important connector between the Churchill Roosevelt Highway  and uptown Port of Spain.
The Lady Young Road runs through Morvant and crosses the foothills of the Northern Range Named for the wife of Governor Winthrop Young, the road is well known for its picturesque views of Port of Spain and its harbour. The road is one of the three main links between Port-of Spain and Morvant, others being Old Morvant Hill Road and the Beetham Highway.

Overlooking Port of Spain from the Look Out

Another view from the Look Out

All kinds of local exotic dishes can be bought, like Corn Soup, Bar-B-Que, Chow, Souse, etc.

One of the Local Food Hut.

Souvenir and other trinkets are also sold for tourist visiting Trinidad.

Trinkets and Souvenir Booth

The road is known for its tight curves and hard gradients due to the hill's treacherous curves. Be advised to take caution when using this road, as these curves must be travelled cautiously.